Sunday, September 23, 2007


noun. What happens when there are two consenting hobbits and no limits.

Real citation: “Interests: 32: aft, afting, ass full throttle, bath tubs, berries n' cream, butterflies, candles, crying, hard thrusting!, hobbit sex, hobbitcest..."

Made-up citation: "If I'm elected, I will oppose all forms of filth and perversion, including hobbitcest and men who don't wash their hands after peeing."

1 comment:

Don Ricklin said...

Mark, I just found your Blog here, through your article in Verbatim, Cuckoo for Crack. I linked your blog on mine, and did a Post about it inculding citing this word, "hobbitcest', as a sample of what one will find here.

Hope you don't mind, and if you don't, you will list my Blog on your link list. I am also list by Erin McKean at Verbatim and i am a long time reader of her publication.

Best Regards,