Tuesday, September 16, 2008


noun. A debris-clearing, filth-siphoning, squalor-squashing process that turns scum into soap and water into purified water, fit for a king's bidet.

Real citation: "Now, SP is starting to take root. The TLM is springing up in parish after parish, all over the world. Young seminarians and priests are very likely to be TLM-competent. The older, hostile bishops are being replaced with their more hardcore auxiliaries. Personal parishes. FSSP enrollment. De-wreckification. New hand missals. Benedictine altar arrangement. Papal Mass communion on the tongue. Chant. Things are inexorably getting better. Each day is brighter than the one before. We’re winning, and it’s a rout. As Jack Kemp used to say, it’s 1776 all over the world, baby."
(July 2, 2008, What Does the Prayer Really Say?, http://wdtprs.com/blog/2008/07/sspx-statement-on-the-ultimatum/)

Made-up citation: "I have spent many years in the de-wreckification industry, offering synergistic solutions to logistical logjams. I'm also good with a spork, baby."

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