Tuesday, February 17, 2009

the 20-tentacle tango

noun phrase. An exclusive form of sex.

Real citation: "Ah, February, that special time of the year when love is in the air and the heart turns toward romance. Or, in the case of the Southern California population of the market squid, that special time of year when giant underwater orgies are followed by immediate death. Never mind the stress of Valentine's Day gift shopping—what about the stress of fitting in the 20-tentacle tango before your inevitable demise?"
(Feb. 13, 2009, Miriam Goldstein, Slate, http://www.slate.com/id/2211343/)

Made-up citation: "I'm looking for a nice girl who values family and friends and experimentation. I'd love to try the dirty pancake or the 20-tentacle tango--or maybe a meal of food in a restaurant. No weird girls please."

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